Saturday, May 28, 2022

Game of Hearts

Don't overstay your welcome
in the world of nuance..

Subtlety is great
when playing cards
dealing with all the mind games
but you can miss winning opportunities
staring you right in the face
by playing it too cute
and holding your romance hand
too close to the vest

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Going Out of Business Sale

After the Minister of Defense
read the Armageddon edition
from the Book of Mass Destruction
the stunned congregation
dutifully lined up for confession
to get their stained souls cleansed
before the infidels storm in
but of course not before
the pilgrims paid up at the door
for the salvation privilege
that the chosen ones roll with

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Compass Less

In this state
of perpetual transition
we are forced
to calibrate
our current position
based on the best
available reconnaissance..

Traditional points of reference
which once guided us
can no longer be trusted  

How hard it is to accomplish
much of anything
without a solid base foundation

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Untimely Obsolescence

Nobody wound
the old clock today..

So it sits transfixed 
at half past six.. 

Seems the old guy
who use to wind it
went off and died
as elderly folks
tend to do..

only he knew
rewind tech mechanics
and since he left
no notes behind
the old clock
much like us
remains frozen in time

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Honorable Valor

Medals will not be pinned
on the chests
of those souls who did the decent thing..

No monuments are to be erected
for the brave few
who in the midst of hate and prejudice
acted with human compassion..

Perhaps if we celebrated such valor
as opposed to military heroism
more peeps
would step up for their fellow man
war would be a tad less glorious
and definitely not as frequent