Sunday, December 25, 2022

Web of Sins


Here in the public domain
wherever you are
is where you are at

At core center of this nexus vortex
we are forever in camera range..

Our character assassination coordinates
are constantly subject to mass posting
by roving cyber voyeurs
seeking to mass distribute
their best "gotcha moment"

Our lives now open books
so take heed
about those private transgressions
formerly safely performed out of recorded sight

Feb 05, 2025, 07:51 ·  · Web · 0 · 0


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Shell Game


All my fault lines..

Deeply contained..

Self restrained..

Stone exterior
must be maintained..

One crack
and my self constructed wall
of formerly reliable repressions
comes crumbling down..

Amidst the smoldering rubble
glowing beneath my feet
peeps would finally see me
as I really am...

Scary as this fresh exposure may be
in the long run it ain't so bad 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Illusion Rules

Skating on frozen pond
as the snowflakes dance...

A true Dickens scene..

We escape into the dream
even though we know
nothing is as it seems...

For the snow is really
asbestos corn flakes
shaken vigorously..

Truth reduced to special effects..

A soothing opiate that suspends disbelief..

These illusions we do create
in this snow globe reality...

Just desperate performance art..

Impossible to sustain
as a permanent residence

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Thread Sense

When nothing fits
we make the best of it..

If everything is frayed
gotta fret not bad impressions..
Eventually the elastic
on which we so rely
loses it's clingy quality..

Fashion should never be a fuss
nor should it ever define us

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Drag Drama Queens

On the brink of elimination..

No respite from the tension
of this perilous situation..

We the dwindling legion
of anti social evolution zealots
know that time is the enemy
as the forces of progress
breach our entrenched position..

Perhaps we have one
desperate counterattack left
in our grievance arsenal..

History has come to bury us
but we are not without resources
and a passionate cadre of useful idiots

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sound Off


Never confuse shyness
with a lack of self confidence..

In fact those of us who value silence
over bloviating displays of arrogance
choose not to join the chorus of ignorance
that these days serves as currency
in a bankrupt world 
where volume
is valued over substance..

So take a verbiage time out ...

Stop your yapping
for a fleeting moment
of glorious quietness...
You may actually hear
those who stealthily roll
with thoughtful contemplation
muttering to themselves
under their collective breathes
what an obnoxious ass you are

Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Oxymorons


We both knew we were not built to last..

and yet here we are...

Chugging up this mountain steep ...

Forever trudging into a stiff breeze...

A frickin relationship cliche are we..

In desperate need
of perpetual therapy..

but then again..

after a thorough and complete
couple examination
the shrink would conclude conclusively
that you and I
were never meant to be..

Though I would beg to disagree..

Our mutual dissolution
while probably advisable
and rationally inevitable
would definitely wreck me...

Cause you see
in scientific terms
we are the perfect anomaly..

The storm which brings serenity..

A cacophony symphony..

A joyous solution..

Greater than the sum
of our disjointed parts


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wrecking in Technicolor

Our friendly corporation
of all things virtual reality
for a slightly exorbitant fee
can modify your temporal lobe
for the glorious purpose
of colorizing your dreams..

Of course with every tech innovation
there comes the insidious
disclaimer side effects
such as everything you now view consciously
will now be cast in black and white..

Sort of like your narrow take on politics

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Top Choice

Left or right ?

Dim or bright ?

High or low?

So hard to know
the proper life choice to make
or the best course to take
when every option is replete
with variables we can not foresee..

Once upon a time way back in '93
the confirmed bachelor that was me
made the brave play
to push all my relationship chips in
and gamble on the game of matrimony
with a lovely buxomy young lassie
who fortunately
was in to playing long shots like yours truly..

Sometimes odd couples like we
make the very best matching set..

So even when dealt a losing hand by life
and I zigged when I should have zagged
I am a winner in grandest of schemes
cause I lucked out when you agreed
to be my forever wife..

And we ain't done yet

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Self Spillage


These moral blinders you wear
to justify your rationalizations
are starting to slip..

Like that loose lid on your hypocrisy
currently leaking released reality 
and spilling all over
your once pristine false narrative..

The damage control for this mess
has the potential to be quite an expense..

Next time roll with a tad more clarity.. 

Take the vow of responsibility..
and assume self ownership
of this oft imperfect life  

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Delusion in a Box


I like my box..

Love it you could say..

Though I use to not
relish the restrictions
those walls brought..

Cause I had been indoctrinated
by the whole freedom myth..

That  "Birds need to fly" bullshit..

So one day I flew away..

Blew my peer pressured ass
right out of my cozy coop..

Crash landed..

Bad choices..

It happens..

So I traded in my frayed wings
for that retirement from everything thing

Now I do so love
my flimsy cardboard box
for the security it brings

Fake as it may be

For in this fleeting life
self delusion is the thing

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Self Inflicted

Despite massive rationalizations
and desperate protestations
there can be little doubt
that time is running out..

When grading our terra stewardship
it will be the determination
of alien archeologists
that the species in charge really blew it..

Ruining one cool little planet
with their fatal arrogance 
and unrelenting greed

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Push For Release

Do not play the part
of outraged middle age 
when your offspring
does impractical things
that young adults tend to do...

They are transitioning through
and making crazy memories
that they will forget too
when lecturing their own kids someday..

Hypocrisy ain't hard wired in our DNA..

It's a just another nasty trait we pick up along the way


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Fate Dictates

Parallel lines
will never intersect..

Dutifully they maintain their distance..

Buffer space pre determined
by the grand designer
of their origination..

An authoritarian author
who has decreed
these two shall never meet
as the separate pair
take the horizon tour
toward eternity

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Don't Lose Your Head

A bystander to the carnage am I
from my position in the midst of it..

I popped my head out of the bunker to see
the mega violence all around me..

Carnage being a great spectator sport..

Just my bad luck.

A passing missile decapitated 
my exposed war voyeur head..

Now I am part of the bloody spectacle...

All because I forgot to duck

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Grave Reality

Eventually the point is reached
where our walls of delusion get breached
by the irrefutable truth
that none of us
will exit this mess alive...

Life is a suicide mission...

Perhaps our legacies may survive
but never our all too mortal bodies

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Survival of the Quietest

Thoughts emanate from the male brain         
and exit our mouths with great speed...

This is Basic Gender Communications 101
though this task often lacks the efficiency
to protect my team's survival needs..
Proper word choice is always the challenging key ..

We gotta take heed
of insidious
potentially deadly
hidden meanings...

Remember that when we verbally joust
with the female of the species
we our badly outmanned...

Our every gesture..

Every shade of nuance 
is always subject to interpretation...

At the mercy of her explosive perceptions
as our very words get twisted
to bludgeon us into submission ..

Even inflection has to be considered..

It’s not what you say, but how you say it..

With so many potential pitfalls
we need to accept the logical conclusion.
that we boys should learn to practice
verbal abstinence

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Patch and Go

The Amazing Mr. Gimmick..

Quick fixer extraordinaire..

Has a knack
for slap together
work around solutions
not found in any manual..

Duct tape and string..
Patch it up quickly
and pray it holds..

Every functional day
is a victory of creativity
over conventionality

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Clogged Vent

Condemned at birth was I...

Never fully cleansed
from that original sin
I played no part in...
Anger issues implanted...

Hard wired resentments...

Today I am way past warranty
but the madness still persists...

Who do I see about this??

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Ticket To Oblivion

So preoccupied was I
with my latest shit
I missed the big pic
that my distracted ass
was currently riding
the wrong train
to the wrong place..

Since I am almost there
at the end of the line
it may be time
for me to get off somewhere
in the middle of nowhere..

I doubt my insignificant 
existence will be missed..

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Guide Guy

Take my hand
my brave little man...

Let me lead you
through this scary world
we gotta navigate today...

Take my hand
my brave little man...

I know the way..

The safe path of conformity
you will make your own
and pass on to your son someday...

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Go Go to the So So

It is unprecedented..

So much so
nobody knows
what exactly we got here..

It is so
god damn unrepentant..

Wrecking all past conventions
to such an extent
nobody can recall 
exactly what came before..

Can flowers grow in this fog
that descended while we slept?

Probably not...

Probably so...

I guess I don't know...

Do you??

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Open the Can

The majesty of any moment
rolls by in sporadic time increments..

The memory opportunity 
to be possibly implanted
and forever cherished
is totally lost on those
who perpetually view
this precious finite life
with eyes and hearts closed

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Say What?

The Bafflegabian
from the Republic of Bafflegab
speaks fluent Bafflegabeese..

Sort of a hybrid mix of Chinese
and archaic Mangleese..

No one understands
what the fuck he is saying
except the ancient Vulgarian
who is so angry at the Bafflegabian
he's refuses to talk with him..

Given how pissed he usually is
maybe tis best we are lacking translation..

Then again,
maybe our misunderstood friend
is just frustrated
he has no one to talk too

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Pro Control

The Right to Life
comes with a steep price..

Kids born to single moms...

Many of them lacking in resources..

These right to life children
will soon enough
join the cycle of poverty
cause the prolife party
ain't never been keen on programs
that give the poor a helping hand
to help them climb out of misery ..

They call this Socialism..

Government overreach..

Except where your uterus is concerned..

That belongs to them ..

The truth is they don't give a damn
about the true sanctity of life..

Only power and control
like the medieval Lords of old

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Peer Pressure Teardrops

Don't trade in
your self respect
for a few fleeting moments
of perceived social coolness...

That affirming spot light
you so desperately seek
will blind your senses
and expose bad intentions...

In the end the consequence
just ain't worth the polite applause
from the shallow trend setting crowd
who will turn on you at the first chance

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Dreams of the Fool

In the kingdom
of Amazon women
where I daily toil
I am the lovable lump...

A once proud nobleman was I ..
Today a slapstick jester
summoned for comic relief
who amuses the Queen
and her cackling court
for the loose change
they drop in my cup..

A neutered eunuch
playing the butt of all jokes fool..

Behind this clown's smile
is a sly serpent's determination..

Waiting patiently
for the wheel of fate to turn
and for Karma to reverse
my current bitter situation..

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Forth and Back

I love contrarians
poking holes in my opinions
forcing me to defend my positions
as I parry and thrust back at them..

This stirring mix of the thought process
percolates meaningful debate
which can actually create
innovative advancements
to all sides of the truth equation

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Gender Blenders

Peeps stuck in the 20th Century
seem excessively 
with gender assignment..

They DEMAND roles be defined narrowly..

Pronoun ID's gotta roll binary..

You MUST be either a he or she
like it was for centuries
while those who did not fit
were socially ostracized
and condemned
by the hateful majority..

So what is a woman?

What is a man?

Not so obvious anymore..

There's now a serious degree of fluidity
flowing through once rigid definitions..

Slowly eroding prejudiced conventions..

Fear not our social evolution..

Change does not mean the end of civilization...

Embrace the rainbow
of the human condition  
and let people choose to be
whatever they need to be..

And if you can't adapt to the new reality
learn to mind your own frickin business 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Off Center

Loony birds of a feather
truly flock together..

Ruffling staid conventions
to the chagrin of the pack...

We're all damaged goods
lingering on the clearance rack..

So next time you feel lonely
and out of step with normalcy
just remember
you are a solid member
of the odd ball majority..

Rolling slightly wobbly
but always uniquely

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Seed Libations



That behavior clouding libation
lubricating the loins of history...

What percentage of the population
owes it's very existence
to boozy fueled
inhibition reducing procreation?