Saturday, January 30, 2021

Rage Junkies

Peeps be so easily outraged these days...

Seems almost like they wanna be...

Poking through news of the day
for form fitting anger nuggets
to post on social media sites...

Where they bond with other rage junkies...
in an orgy of explosive text invectives
directed at a common enemy
who in turn will counter rant

An endless cycle of negativity

One would think
it would be played out by now

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Spilt Words

This poem
was misappropriated
from an impulse of thought
that had zero business
ever being transcribed
and posted ...

Now that the shit
is out of the toilet
I am powerless to control it...

Wish this damn delete button
that failed to get initiated 
wasn't so hopelessly defective

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Down The Chute

Now that we've muzzled the top mutt
and all his yapping lap dog friends
I wonder where the suppression ends?

Who decides when the mute curtain drops?

Is censorship now a committee activity
or does it fall to faceless technocrats?

Welcome to the slippery slope...

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Fill in the Blankety Blank

People query me occasionally
(not really as I have no peeps)
if my content poetry
pertaining to sexual
and chemical debauchery
is autobiographical...

Truth by told
these literary exploits are poetic flights
of unrestrained fictional fantasy...

Scribed in the first person sense
purely for dramatic effect 
by a bland man self sentenced
to a lifetime of monotony

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Read All About Me

What's more depressing
than drinking alone
when your cup goes dry
and all you can do is cry
your life deprived
as the night
yawns indifferently
to your pathetic plight?

Seriously, what can be sadder?

I know!!!

Posting online about it to strangers

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Loose Consequence

Tripping over the guilt
that could not be off loaded

A slow erosion of the soul

Soon to be a psychosis
beyond our feeble control

Actions have consequence

Actions have consequence

When will we ever learn?

Pointy Headed Man


The strict 

and powerful

Bishop of Order 

Worships at

the alter of

Rigid Structure

Prays from

the Book of Absolute Static

Preaches ye olde world order

to the well funded top enders

While out 

in the unscrubbed streets

the wild dogs are a howling

Weary of fighting

over the scraps

of the past... 

Oh my fellow riff raff

the times they are a changing fast

Social media outlets

spewing discontent

in all directions

Transmitting history as it happens

Real time events

that can no longer

be spun properly

by old school media

Corporate lap dogs no longer able

to compartmentalize the commotion

or marginalize the collective pain 

Walls that have stood for centuries

come tumbling



by the unstoppable frustrations

finally unleashed

The Bishop of

Crumbling Order

desperately tries to crush

rampant dissent by pious decree


As the forces of today

finally triumph

over weary yesterdays

The bitter cleric

of course will

never relent

Wraps himself

in his tattered banner


to his fellow ghosts

about the good old days

and their lost domination

He thrusts his tarnished staff

that once symbolized power

into the smudged mirror

Shattering the illusion forever

that rigid institutions

can permanently hold dominion

over an enlightened population

Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Gravest Show On Earth

Give me anarchy 
or give me death...

Splattered all over the internet
for the pleasure of all us voyeurs
browsing a stairway to Destruction...
Snugly sequestered in our bunker basements...

Streaming vicariously the Apocalypse...

Texting mass carnage outrage commentary...   
The end of us will be a spectator sport

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Road Assholes

Rolling down the mountain...

A long winding late night trek
on an ancient narrow roadway... 

Fellow travelers from the other direction
blind my view with high beams blaring...

Nary a soul bothers to dim their lights...

Why bother extending common courtesy
in this age of selfish "tis all about me" fuckery ??

Zero consideration given for others compromised sight
as we strain to see the perilous future of a blinded humanity... 

Such a dim reflection of these cynical times


Friday, January 1, 2021

Calendar Tripping

Bugs buzz dancing on my head...

Why ain't they all dead?
(This being December and all)

Why am I sweating so profusely
as the heat has been turned off
and I can see my breath?
(This being December and all)

My life is truly rolling too disjointed...

Events flowing totally out of season...

I really need a shot of egg nog