Sunday, December 27, 2020

Reckless Assumptions

Let us descend en masse...

Enter that dark place again...

The bleeding insanity bin
to store our collective madness...

Surely it is inevitable
that we are destined to climb out of this shit
like we have so many times before

Liberate ourselves from our current abyss... 

The miraculous escape is our specialty

Is it not?
Is it not?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Underachiever's Plea

I want you to acknowledge
just once before I die
that I am trying my best...

What more can you expect of me
in this accomplishment worshipping society? 

Stop sodomizing the bottom lines

Try reading between them instead...

Maybe then you can forgive my underachievements

If you can,
perhaps so can I
and me and my mutt self esteem
can exit this frickin dog house 


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Writ of Reality

Wither the concept
of absentee Justice...

She used to exist
on a marble pedestal
long before the current days
when corruption clouded our way...

The battles have all been fought..

Once proud banners lie tattered and charred 

All that remains are the incriminating scars
covering the harsh verdict of history

No appeals will be forthcoming

No reprieves to be received

Karma laws are now in full effect

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Ghost Letter

On the eve of battle
a soldier wrote his love

"If I die come morrow
please temper your sorrow
with this hopeful refrain:

If this be the last war
and men die no more
then my death was not in vain"

He perished of course
many many wars ago
in yet another pointless conflict
where nothing was gained
and everything lost

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Minimal Resistance

I have nowhere to go
and nothing to do...

If I ever got to nowhere
nothing would get done...

The life of the contentment...

Far beyond your petty judgments...

The ultimate benefit...

Unrepentant minimalist... 

Zero sum zero...

Isn't retirement fun?

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Make America Bland Again?

Us against them

ad infinitum

Blame the Dems

Us against them
ad infinitum

Expose and dispose those fiends of msm
poisoning America with hidden agendas

Imprison those radicals of BLM
before they scale the walls of suburbia
and bring darkness to our well manicured land

Stick it to the Socialists

Neuter those freaks of LGBTQ

Crucify heathen non Christians

Stir our growing enemies list

Deflect Deflect

Unleash the mighty algorithm

Divide and conquer their diversity weakness

When "them" has been vanquished
and their threat ceases to exist
we will have achieved glorious bland oneness

But what happens
to our uni thought collective
when a system breach
causes a data malfunction
and the dystopian beast
we did release
turns on us?


Saturday, December 5, 2020

FAKE Inside Out


Foam at the mouth conspiracy theory zealots
are rapidly becoming my favorite entertainment

These players now demand a precise body recount
of the stiffs laid out by the coronavirus 
since they have never met personally
nary a one of these obviously contrived statistics

This leads rational peeps to conclude logically
that these brave seekers of alternate reality
truly need to get out of their basements more