Enter that dark place again...
Surely it is inevitable
Is it not?
Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
Us against them
ad infinitum
Blame the Dems
Us against them
ad infinitum
Expose and dispose those fiends of msm
poisoning America with hidden agendas
Imprison those radicals of BLM
before they scale the walls of suburbia
and bring darkness to our well manicured land
Stick it to the Socialists
Neuter those freaks of LGBTQ
Crucify heathen non Christians
Stir our growing enemies list
Deflect Deflect
Unleash the mighty algorithm
Divide and conquer their diversity weakness
When "them" has been vanquished
and their threat ceases to exist
we will have achieved glorious bland oneness
But what happens
to our uni thought collective
when a system breach
causes a data malfunction
and the dystopian beast
we did release
turns on us?