Sunday, November 29, 2020

Buzz Kill

Time to bludgeon those past prejudices
which have finally outlived their usefulness

Bigotry is not a good look anymore

It lacks the legitimacy it had before

Though we continue to deal with lingering ignorance
cause too many still harbor ancient tribal bullshit
but this does not mean we need be part of it

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Homo Moronicus

That's just great...

Now I gotta retaliate
for the slight you laid on me
unintentional as it may be...

For I am a man you see
and these chains of toxic masculinity
demand I avenge every disrespect
lest I be portrayed as weak

This curse does make me ponder
if my gender will ever evolve fully?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Ode To Bacchus

Let us respect the buzz
this chemical addition
to our bloodstream brings

Fear not the potential addiction
to achieve this euphoric state
(temporary as it may be)

Reality sure ain't that great

So what if our mood enhancing vice
hastens our inevitable demise
why not enjoy the thrill ride guilt free?

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Disorderly Transition


Back and front...

Out and in...

Our orderly sequence
has gone astray...

Tis that kind
of transposed day...

We can either strain
to make amends
and get back to the original intent
or accept 
this permanent reversal variation
and learn to embrace life's deviations

Saturday, November 21, 2020


the truth of the moment....

my moment in time....

is that i treasure current contentment
over gaudy tangible accomplishments
that would only serve
to muddle my mundane existence...

i am who i now am...

the blip i was born to be..

a place holder at the table of humanity...

an unabashed unapologetic mediocrity..  

i am...

a happily boring man... 

                                                   quote lifted from j. lennon

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Closed Looping


We came not for the show
but the bloody spectacle
of our cultural dissolution...

Rabid beasts were released
to assist the thought police
in canceling contrarian dissent...

Once the complicit population
was worked into a sufficient frenzy
our extinction is complete...

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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Case for the Persecution


I must be guilty of something
so you may as well prejudge me...

No lame self defense arguments
will be presented today...

No use wasting good alibis
on a blind, deaf, and dumb jury

Those distractions only get in the way
of my inevitable prosecution
for the crime of being alive

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Tripping Nostalgic


I find myself lost yet again
in the mist of remembrance

A respite from the current indifference
infecting my mundane existence

This shadow oasis of soothing simplicity
may soon be my permanent residence
as I selectively shed the bad memories
til all that remains for down sized me
is a rose colored sanctuary