Sunday, July 19, 2020

Out Of My Depth

Don't mess with my depth perception

It's hard enough for me to see
where you are going to be
if you take away my scale

Are you coming
or going?

There's just now way of knowing

Truth is so multi dimensional
and I'm too damn superficial
to visualize properly
this distorted reality

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Censor Tripping Bitching

Perpetually pissy minded purveyors of erasure

Wrecking the current conversation with censorship

Slathering on their suffocating versions
of what passes for art in their narrow minds

Tis a power tripping orgy of dangerous bullshit

Today their suppressions are but a mere annoyance
but beware the path of slotted thought
as the cancel culture drags our asses down
into the tyranny of one size fits all perceptions

No Means NO

I finally nailed little Miss Tease last night

Took a lot of alcohol to spread those legs

She protested meekly through her drunken haze
but I know deep down she wanted it
despite her lame hard to get protestations

Just another of her coy flirtations
I had to power through

This morning she said
I raped her fine body

While studly me contends
the hook up was consensual

I ain't worried

The slut has no case

She would get roasted before a jury
given her sleazy whoring past

and yet....

Her tears do seem very real

Perhaps I did move too fast

I wish I could take being such a dick back
but I gotta play out his harsh denial rap
lest my rape culture ass goes to jail

Sunday, July 5, 2020

We The People

Stop knocking diversity
as a threat to democracy
with your ignorant digs...

Don't piss on the concept of unity and diversity
like they are such radical philosophies...

Why is it that the kids today
can see equality's beacon light so clearly 
while my generation still clings to darkness?

Lapping up all the old deceptions
laced with bitter stereotypes...

Instead of being prisoners to our history
we should be the ones leading the charge
to permanently blast away the sins of the past...

The times truly are a changing  
so we dinosaurs best adapt
and get with the quilt program ...

Let go of the inequities we once knew...

The American Revolution continues.