Thursday, November 29, 2018

Unchained Calamity

It only hurts when I sleep
when the safeguards
I constructed so meticulously
are lowered involuntarily
and the suppressed me
becomes liberated temporarily..

These are only nightmares technically
but what makes it all so frightening
is the disturbing fear..

What if the safeguards someday
fail to reactivate when I awaken?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Terms of Surrender

When I began to skim through
the tragedies of the day
over my morning coffee
and high fiber corn flakes

When I conveniently commenced
to compartmentalize and relegate
the daily fire storms of humanity
to the spam folder of my soul

When I found myself fleeing
directly to the sports section
for all the scores
of meaningless competitions
performed by sweaty
millionaire gladiators
in tax payer funded stadiums

It was then

my heart ceased to beat

and capitulation

to the cynical apocalypse

was complete

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Mass Cleansings

Now commences the process
of scrubbing away

these stubborn bathtub like

propaganda stains

Your thinking must be retrained
to now associate bodily pain
when radical ideologies
attempt to penetrate your brain

We will get your head right
even if it means

loss of former core values
previously infected

by this insidious freedom virus
that has contaminated 

many a messed up patriot

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Valentine's Day 1918

We greet the dawn
from our bed of mud
in a nameless place
that we must defend

Bland rations digested
we prepare our weapons
loading up ammunition
for the coming demolition 

In the cathedral silence
prior to yet another battle
my weary eyes
can see
the cloud of death
now hovering over me

Attack and counterattack
two stubborn forces
dance over charred real estate
in a fiery embrace

Late in the day
as the sun yields the field
I feel that warm sting
ripping through my heart

The bullet forged for me
that I never did see

On my back I collapse
my extremities going numb

Alone with
my crimson unrestrained

Life ebbing away

My fate now written

I'm a casualty today

Into the ledger of death
with tears in my eyes

I gasp
fighting to my last breath

I see the fading sky

The last scene
before I die

And my last thought
is of my first love
far away
beneath the same setting sun

Into the light 
I must now go

but I know

we will be
together again some day

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Demolition Position

Let's take dynamite
to the walls of hatred

Hit it hard from both sides

Pulverize all prejudice
that built it brick by brick

Build a new bridge
from the rubble of ignorance
and speak not
of past impediments again 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Truth Written In Pencil

What use to be before
now is no more

Nary a trace 
of yesterday's reality remains

Speculation now saturates
revisionist history
as PHD's pontificate unrestrained
their best pet historical theories

After many high priced consultations
scholarly consensus now proclaims
what had passed for absolute truth
back in the day
never really was

Interpretations have been revised
to polish the textbook lies
that will exonerate departed martyrs

Victims of unyielding authorities of the past

Bone crushers of  contrarian dissent

Self righteous burners of all heretics
who did not salute the dogma
of a black and white world
science defined as flat

Remember this lesson
next time a self righteous fool
preaches to you about absolute truth 

A Thousand Points of Tripe

Random patterns

Orbiting constantly

Prisoners of gravity

Can you dig my analogy?

I'm communicating metaphorically
about the human condition
and it's relationship
to Universal laws
when coincidence exceeds
the laws of probability

Or maybe...

I just smoked some bad weed
so my perceptions are clouded
and this flash of insight philosophy
can certainly be doubted
though I rigorously contend
when the fog clears finally
we should be able to find our car keys

Body Work

What a mess am I 

To such an extent
I probably will die

Not an uncommon fate

We all have expiration dates
hard wired into our souls

For this biodegradable species
is an inherently flawed model
and when not maintained properly
our lights often darken prematurely

So a little self maintenance would not hurt 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Nationalists and Zealots

For the greater glory
of the Red White and Blue
let's ship your children off to war
to fight and die for fabric on a pole

Of course the other side
spins similar propaganda
for their version of God

Better salvation through religious genocide

Tis such a rigged game

A deadly mind control charade 

Religion and ideology

Incestuous fuck buddies throughout history

The Big Con run for influence and money

Always to profit the powers that be   

These insidious forces
screwing us royally behind the scenes 
who in the end are the true global enemy

Poetry 103

Fuck Yeats and Wordsworth
Screw Whitman and Dickinson
Joyce and Angelou too

Fellate Ginsburg
and your precious Bukowski
while you're at it( gasp)

Go curl up with these moldy dead poets

Dazzle the world quoting literary ghosts

Spare me the lecture on their modern relevance

I'm more concerned with hearing your words

Wanna write poetry but not sure how?
Since you never learned in school
how to write a proper haiku

Can't find a decent tutorial on YouTube
on proper iambic pentameter construction?

I suggest you don't fret ignorance of archaic rules

Just say what you need to say

Let your heart and soul guide the way

Don't let structure impede your course

No need to count syllables like a monkey 

Leave that to the English Lit professors
in the corner stroking their hard ons
over the majesty of classical poetry 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Consider The Source

Before spilling your confession
when offered redemption
by those who were offended
do a little self assessment
if the sin they say you committed
was truly a major transgression
or just an over reaction
by self righteous
overly critical