Thursday, September 27, 2018

Men Overboard


It's payback time

The shattering of past inequities
for misdeeds committed by our side 
though we were not participants
in any offending situations

We're all gonna take some hits

Penance for sins we did not commit

The whole guilt by association bullshit

Just hope this sledgehammer
out of control pendulum
does not leave any permanent scars

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

It Is What It Ain't

Truth is
not made of steel

It's a pliable material
we easily bend 
to fit our current needs

A gloppy balm 
to soothe the stinging realities
of abrasive conflicts

An application
of convenient definitions
to justify the rationalizations
of our orderly hypocrisies

Truth be told

True is false

Nothing more than lies
wrapped in cotton candy alibis
and shiny contrivances

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Did You Hear About....

Step right up
my fellow misfits
to the social media trough
and confess your best sins
for text backs of cyber sympathy
from your faceless friends
who secretly revel and gossip
about your human failings
with that smug superiority
that pollutes the airwaves
of the online sewing circle cathedral

Monday, September 10, 2018

Down Draft

Trapdoor opens

Floor support is no more

as we struggle to prevent
our tragic descent
into the waiting arms
of Chaos Town

A disintegrating place
with crumbling infrastructure
betraying a proud history
of empire and power

Now a mountain range
of smoldering rubble

where frazzle is currency
and the truth served up daily
with a dash of absurdity

cause tragedy
becomes comedy
when it marinates
over the centuries

and all the survivors
who fell through the floor
unknowingly become
the shadow ghosts 
of post apocalypse 

Do you recognize
these apparitions
and the truth behind
their plummeting demise?

They are us

and our sin
was arrogance

The recurring
poison of humanity
throughout history 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Reminiscing at the Ostrich Cafe

Down at the Ostrich Cafe
the wifi accessible crowd
plugs in their wireless buds
and blasts the pop culture loud
in an effective attempt
to drown out the protesting hordes
marching right outside their secured doors
seeking to improve this flawed world..

I sip on my sugary latte
and fondly recall
those bygone days
when music and dissent
were one and the same