Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blessed Be Woman

That shiny golden cross
is a beacon to the lost

Dangling proudly erect
just above your ample chest

Guiding wandering eyes
to the plunging neckline
and the canyon exposed
in a grand confluence monument
to the spiritual and animal
needs of man

That sly smile discreet
when our eyes did meet
was divine revelation
and a shared confirmation
of my duel admiration

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Tis a Troubled Puzzlement

Too many loose pieces
clutter up the puzzle

Our former point of reference
now nothing but a faded picture

Masters of the Universe
have gone missing

Reliable sources now insist
they never really existed

Which means there is no salvation

We are on our own for answers

(sweeps puzzle off table)

(assumes fetal position)

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Guns and Sympathy

Here we go

Bring on the low caliber politicos
for the long running hit show

Time again for thoughts and prayers

That played out lament
of our nation blood drenched
that worships and perverts
words written on parchment long ago
when low tech muskets were in vogue 

Let us bow our weary heads
over the mangled corpses
of the latest nightmare event

Victims of our sins
who would not have died
if only we had done our duty
to protect humanity
instead of taking the blood money
which paid for today's
homily of hypocrisy