Sunday, November 29, 2015

Love of My Night

This much I know

Twas a night of epic cheer

Though it turned to blur

sometime between

hello and good bye  

So here I lie

in a strange bed

Unclear how I got here

or what I did

and with whom

Singular or plural?

Very hard to say

Next move

Do I sneak out silently
or snuggle
with the sleeping beauty 
laying next to me?

Is this the end
or a romance beginning?

What was her name again? 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Volume Control

I rant

and then

I rave

Simply for effect

until my entire point

gets drowned out

by passion's excess

Need to take a breath

Tone down the rhetoric

and play rationally  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chipped Glass

Before I became
the shadow I am today

I use to care deeply

Filled with empowerment 

Believed that I mattered

People cared what I had to say

but the world

had it's own agenda

Made me feel irrelevant

Now I chirp irreverent

A bitter mockingbird

hopping around

with clipped wings

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Knowing Thy Audience

Starving writer

Desperate for inspiration

Fishing for relevance
in a sea of apathy

The passion is still there
his positive poetry
is woefully nowhere

Totally out of fashion

for this cynical world

Eventually tomorrow

he'll tap into his pain

and unleash the blues

Word torrents of sorrow

his somber audience can relate to

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Odd Bawling

I've always struggled
with the concept of appropriate

Forever straining the fabric
of social conventions

I am harmless though 

but I realize

my flights from propriety  
make friends and family cringe 

Like a maladjusted puzzle piece
forever battling to fit in
to somehow pass for normal

People call me a character

as they snicker and chatter

about my latest indiscretion

I smile like fools do

but it bothers me

more than they know

Why do I always

 have to be




Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pay Back Reflex

You hit us

We hit back

Round and round

Punch and counter punch

Hatred is trending

Now we commence
once again
the bloody dance

to avenge Paris

and get our revenge

as humanity descends


into the abyss

of recycled violence

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The One and Only

I am
the odd man out
in this paired up room
of joined at the hip couples

Everybody has somebody

I got nobody

All I get for my solitude
are the looks
and whispers
of the condescending congregation 
what the Hell
is wrong with me
and especially
how dare I be
so fucking happy

Incarcerated Life

We are all born
into this world
as spirits free

Time and circumstance
reign over us relentlessly
with bullshit rules
of which we have no say

We either conform

or we stray

Either way

over the years we forge

our prison without bars

Captive individuals

struggling to make sense 

of this life sentence

we are all serving

Bitter Tea Party

Cameras roll 

Choreographed mob scene
raging out of control
as the angry dragons
fan the populist flames 

Preaching their brand
of political anarchy
to the dysfunctional party
who line up dutifully
to receive their poison 
from the Mad Hatter
pouring arsenic tea
into their cracked cups

All the while
the sideline pundits pontificate
their psycho babble nonsense

As if one can analyze rage
in our rapidly collapsing
us against them age

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Service of Shame

Fat ass 
fast food

Gorging on burgers and fries

Don't want the slaves
earning a living wage
cause it will milk shake up
the dog eat dog economy 
if they gotta lay out
a few more discretionary coins
to feed their gluttony 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Let Us Prey

Here in the jungle
we got too many killers
and not enough lovers

Grisly massacres roll nightly

as the victim's screams

wail out in a symphony of sirens

Is this the natural order of things?

Will we all eventually succumb
to our predatory history  

or do those of us

currently cowering 

in silent anxiety

have the will power

to change

our downward destiny?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Such Allititeration

Shirley stealthy sells
shattered sea shells
by the sandy sea shore

She will surely be
shunned by decent society 
for selling such
shoddy merchandise

Since she socked away
the spoils of her staggering larceny
to such an extent
she could smugly smile
when consumers screamed
about her lax
don't give a shit attitude

Sheriff Simmons
was summarily summoned
by state investigators
to smooth over
the sticky situation

but since he was 
secretly sleeping
with slutty Shirley
the investigation was squashed

Just another shocking case
of sexual shenanigans
such as this
subverting justice

Monday, November 2, 2015

Side Line Snipers

Haters gotta hate..

Losers gonna whine
and know it alls live to preach..

Welcome to the Peanut Gallery..

Where the perfekt congregate
to pontificate
their brand of hypocrisy
as they sit on the fence
and drop down their two cents
on those brave souls
having at it in the arena