Whatever pops in my frazzled head goes up on this wall,,, Not always pretty, but I always strive to be a little interesting and thought provoking For more of me in less than 140 characters sample me on Twitter at @WORD_MASSAGER
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Liquid Salvation
you just need
to go out in the rain
Dance in the passing shower
of non judgmental absolution
Naked to the world
for all to see
Fully exposed
to the cleansing elements
from above
that wash away
the toxic pollution
that oozes from our pores
Stripped of all pretense
we stand in our own
puddle of humility
Totally vulnerable
is when
we rediscover trust
Only then
can we allow ourselves to be
baptized by Nature
and born again
in the pool of humanity
Viewer Suppression Advised
Disturbing images
dance across
my cynical eyes daily
All these flat screen tragedies
Persistent global calamities intrude
A steady stream of troubled guests
in my living room
After decades of pain saturation
the cruelties on parade
no longer register with me
I've developed disaster immunity
from the horrors
that befall humanity
I reside inside
my steel reinforced bubble
quite unapologetically
These indifferent walls
serve as protection
from our flammable world
I can no longer abide
It's as if none of this is even real
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Story Bored
There are no
hard absolutes anymore
Certainty has been shaded gray
Truth now just a hybrid blend
of convenient definitions
No one dare deviate
Ambiguity rules the day
The neatly packaged condensed story
Fully diluted and neutered
so as not to offend
the bland majority
of popular mediocrity
who askew
the nuanced subtleties
that muck up
the comforting narrative
which keeps all thought
and trepidation
to a minimum
Friday, May 22, 2015
Ride the Life Cycle
After I depart
from this domain
please honor me
by deleting me
from your memory
Shred all the words
I have put forth
during my tenure
Burn my earthly possessions
Sprinkle the ashes
of the past into the wind
Treat me like a ghost
that never existed
So it goes for me and you
Out with the old
In with the new
Cover Story
So here I be
the latest tribulations
in my stormy history
the harsh realities
of this current state
I've become
such an abject figure
of detached indifference
Wounded passions
suppressed and numbed by
stoic camouflage
The fake smile
Well placed cliches
All to cover
my displaced reality
Deflecting truth effectively
I can't let anyone see
what has become of me
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Better to Believe
We all need to be better
than our impure pedigree
or at the very least
try to fly
with the angels
we strive to be..
Tap into all that
upside potential..
Control these
inhibiting insecurities..
Confidence will set you free..
Get self maximized..
Ascend to the pinnacle
of all you can be..
And then it will be easy
to begin liking yourself finally
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Red and Black
Red is the color of blood
and the hue of love
Murder and lust
the story goes bust
Passion and pain
it's all the same
The stain of cherries
cascades bittersweet
The heart eventually
bleeds out
as the veins run dry
Screeching rats are born
from the womb of poverty
while the elite old guard
keeps denying
their own mortality
They all get to exist
before they finally die
Black is the color then
my way too temporary friends
Shooting Star Express
When you stumble
across amazing
Take a break
from the mundane
and admire the extraordinary
Wrap your tired arms
around this moment
Take a mental picture
and store it in memory
Cause when
the magic show ends
who knows
when it will come
your way again
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Sad in a Box
She represented
the only good thing
in my wretched life
of selfish excess
My wellspring of joy
who supported me always
though thick and thin
aged rapidly
due to my nonsense
I should have let her go
cause I knew
I was her poison arrow
Now I kneel down before God
with this postmortem confession
as we bury my life today
The mourners through the fog of tears
all thinking to themselves
if their was any justice
between Heaven and Earth
it should be me in that box
If only I had the power
to accommodate their prayers
Life and death is so unfair
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Loaded For Stone
Feel free to label me
in any of the conventional ways
I don't care
about your designations
Go ahead and get arbitrary
please don't judge me
with laser beam morality
lest I toss boulders
and shatter your glass hypocrisy
Friday, May 15, 2015
Sinking Feeling
Before our damaged ship
went forever down
Lost at sea terminally
We transmitted
a desperate SOS call
on every known frequency
the world was deaf to our pleas
Rescue from our demise
a practical impossibility
in this ocean vast
of lonely crafts
struggling to stay afloat
in these stormy times
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Black Hole Crew
Don't wanna be bored anymore
with glory stories of inspiration
Heroes overcoming all obstacles
just don't do it for me
cause they give me zero hope
of fixing my impossible situation
Feed me terrible tales
of monumental failures
Let's hear some epic crash and burn
I can really relate to
So I don't feel all alone
and my misery
can have some company
Allow us current losers
to mass wallow together
for awhile
here in this pit
of shared life futility
Maybe our strength in numbers
will allow us to find a way
to some day
climb out of this damn depression
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Bedraggled Doggies
If you study history
it is plain to see
that we
who comprise
club humanity
are a mongrel breed
of angel and demon
Charred spirits
building great civilizations
and magnificent innovations
only to tear them down
with our damn arrogance
Somewhere along the way
our evolution went astray
Spawning a mutant legacy
More dangerous
than any species on Earth
with toys of mass destruction
in the paws
of hybrid mutts
fighting over the scraps
of what's left
of this defenseless planet
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Cookie Musings
Opened a bag
of chocolate chip cookies
I was dreaming about all day
cause I don't have much of a life
and besides
my sweet tooth
is the only craving
I satisfy these days
When I finally penetrated
the tight air inhibiting seal
My treasure within
was all crumbled
into varying degrees
of jagged disjointed pieces
A visual abomination
Except for one
perfect treat sphere
that had miraculously
gone unscathed
and survived
life's rough handling intact
Too pretty to devour
as I delicately held
the baked flour
in my hand
and yet
I could not cast it back
into the sea of imperfection
from whence it came
so I gave it my my son
who failing to appreciate
the dilemma which paralyzed
as he indifferently ate my ideal
in one massive bite
Smooch Prime
The first kiss
is not always
the best kiss
or even the longest
but tis always
the most memorable
So savor the sensation
because this just may be
the kiss that sticks
when your love search ends
and you'll never ever
taste a first kiss again
Anyone hungry??
Spotlight Shower
Do not insult me
with your desperate
cliche saturated
two wrongs
make it right defense
And please don't condescend
with that old everybody
is doing it nonsense
Cause in the end
we are action figurines
judged as stand alone solo acts
So let's all agree
that lame rationalizations
with all the convenient
excuses attached
for human misdeeds
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