Saturday, April 26, 2014

Heart Labor

Heart Labor

In the space between
passion's inferno
and comfortable familiarity

I lost her

Or at least misplaced 

my life mate

Absence happens

Love is never
a constant stream

It has it's
ebbs and flow

Love even runs dry at times

but you know
it's ALWAYS there

Probably? Maybe? 

In theory??

Somewhere beneath
layers of neglect

Time dilutes us all

causing lovers to forget

what brought them together

and the effort required

to maintain theoretical

forever love

Ride the Relations Ship

Ride the Relations Ship

In the course
of human interactions
nerves will be frayed

Conflict rips 
at the fabric of civility

We fire off bombs
that should not be launched

Pride trips us up

Harsh words locked in

No chance of retraction

So how to minimize the friction?

Begin by accepting our differences

Respect the contrary position

and try a little tolerance

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Scwewy Wabbit

Towering over the fake Easter grass
Mega bunny dominates the basket

Like a solid chocolate beacon
the center piece of the future feast

Sunday morning finally arrives
Time to devour my sweet fantasy

Been waiting to sink my teeth into this…
Hey!! This bogus rabbit is hollow!!!!

So much for the perfect obsession
Just another empty disappointment

Thank goodness for jelly beans
Who are always what they seem to be

Freeze Dried Compulsions

Freeze Dried Compulsions

You see

I got these

latent urges

that compel me

to go against

my better judgement

and the rules
of decent society

Self control issues

I have had since
grade school

Back then

they did not control
us distracted brat brains
with zombie medications

We got detention

well intentioned counseling

but truth be told
my act got old

and I eventually conformed

Did what I had to do
to get through 

The classifiers
of my timeline
say that I matured

Into a role player on the team 

A grown up figurine

Externally acceptable

Internally combustible

Always fighting

to keep

my inner brat 



Saturday, April 19, 2014

Shadow Girl

Shadow Girl

She is my

unattainable angel

Shrouded in mystery

All I know of her

is a silhouette I see

when the sunlight
shares her form with me

Every curve is magnified

A celebration in my eyes

My imagination

vividly colors her whole
between the lines
where I envision us together

Filling in the blanks

straining to escape

the picture frame

that is our prison

Friday, April 18, 2014

Out Of The Net

Out Of The Net

Here in my bunker

Where I revel
in splendid isolation

Just me and my
intellectual snobbery

The smart kid in class

Alone in the library
pretending to be
above friendship

Today I have so perfected
my lonely rationalizations

Reinforced hard isolation
logic based insulation

My cover sustained
behind my flat screen

social media
word masturbation

Yet all it took

was an unforeseen
unexpected infatuation

To blast open 
my controlled
anti social world

and smoke
me out of my
comfortable hole 

into the honky tonk
carnival of real life
human interaction

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Brain Scrubbing

Brain Scrubbing

Here at the Sunshine Asylum

we guests of the state

here to get our heads
adjusted straight

Chug our brain
altering medication

Stand up straight

March in tight formation

Back into a
dieing society

After our incarceration

political misfits we

in the round mindhouse

for some booster
re indoctrination

A little more

torture therapy

so we don't regress

and revert back
to humanity

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Off Ramp Sign

Off Ramp Sign

At the end of my run

when all is said and done

and the time comes

to close my show absurd

My perfect epitaph
for grave spectators

would be a solitary word:


Monday, April 14, 2014

Pitter Splatter

There goes
my heart again

Rolling down
the front steps
and into the indifferent street

Just another human tragedy
littering the crimson city

I wander aimlessly
through the boulevard
of lost souls
beneath the
flickering street lamps

Plunge into the excess
of useless regret

Anything to forget
her toxic existence

Damage control
always requires time
to fix this condition

These wounds will heal

The blood will congeal 

Only then

can I proceed
to my next relationship

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Closing Time

Closing Time


before I die

whenever that may be 

I'm going find the time

to recollect

and inventory

all the people

in my life

who have been good to me

I need to thank them

for their generosity

and invite them 

to my wake 

Good seats guaranteed


we want to leave

to a full house


Friday, April 11, 2014

Pick Up Quick

Pick Up Quick

When all seems lost

and hope

is nowhere to be found

Dig deep

Excavate the despair

Find your inner reserve

buried beneath layers

of life's little failures

Poke a hole in adversity

Flush away negativity

until all that remains

is victory

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cherry Soup

Cherry Soup

Virgin vixen

Tense and edgy
prisoner of her

conflicted morality

Two thousand years
of Christian theology
smothering her
with pious guilt

Her natural curiosity
about her sexuality
starting to bloom

Little girl yields the floor

Young woman is born

Into the world of temptation

Party situation

Alcohol provides cover

Age old rationalization

Awkward tangle
in a strange bed
with a hungry boy from
biology class

Nothing like the
tender romance
fables of yore

A quick and
painful entry   
through the door
of sexual penetration

She pulls up
her jeans
and exits
her love making

a virgin vixen
no more

Now a woman

forever transformed

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Relationship Down

Relationship Down

to comprehend

The end

of a friendship
no longer permanent

I replay our argument

on perpetual loop
inside my head 

Our tragic demise

started slowly

spiraled out of control 

mutual pride
wrongly applied

No one 

is to blame

So why
do I feel
so guilty?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pity Full

Pity Full

Went through
a phase

where I use to wallow
in self pity

Boo Hooing
around the clock

Fixating on each
and every sorrow

Not enough alcohol
to numb the pain


after bottom feeding
for what seemed
like an eternity

my self sorrow
was fully saturated 

I was all wallowed out

So now

when I feel the urge
to mope about

I take

a shot of perspective

count my blessings

and redirect
my bleeding heart
to those
truly in need
of sympathy 



Take my hand

Come with me

Let me be
the vessel
for your soul

Together we ride
through the debris
field we created

The trip we must make

the detours we will take 

Our journey
will not be smooth

nothing ever is



our destination
is reached

We will look back

at the road traversed
and smile

We shall lie down
in each other's arms
and share a long slumber

Dreaming together
you and I
in the place
we always dreamt
we'd be

Safe inside 
the gates
of heaven

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Working Sluts

Working Sluts

My mercenary lover

Always by my side

She's a whore

but so am I

We both impassively


service people

we secretly despise

All for the love
of money

The need to
be the best
we can be  

and while 
we both

get fucked daily
for our troubles

we accept
our screwed 
up fate

because in the end

we do
what we must do

to earn
a living