Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Joy Hopping


I am finally content
to simply be who I am..

Took me years to understand
there is no long term plan..

No tightly crafted narrative..

Only these fleeting moments
that make this trip tolerable..

Connected specks of sand
in the vast desert of eternity
where we well meaning inhabitants
spend our allocated time 
seeking out snippets of happiness

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Glory Be to Cardio


80 heart beats per minute..

That's 4,800 thumps per hour..

And the number keeps multiplying
as days turn to years
one truth is perfectly clear..

This fabulous device
which powers our lives
while a marvel
of steady efficiency
can feel very empty
if it remains unfulfilled..

If fate and good fortune
smile in your direction
you'll meet a special
once in a lifetime angel
to share your heart with
for the rest of this trip..

Exactly like I did
when you walked into my life
and saved me
by agreeing to be my wife..

So many heartbeats ago 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Lazy Brains


Hey Mr Know It All..

Rambling on with your charts
and exhaustive BORING studies..

Spare us your expertise
wrapped around
overly informed opinions.. 

We ain't impressed
with your years of experience
and all the degrees
on top of the accolades
afforded heavily lauded 
knowledge gods..

The only authority we recognize
are experts of the internet variety
that have spent minutes of study
from fellow social media authorities
who while short on factual back up
are long on posting volume repetition..

These venerated influencers
are the modern day town criers
teaching us useful village idiots what to think

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Joy Tripping



The elusive path to happiness
is by way of acceptance of the fact
that it's NOT our final location
tucked away in a mystical destination
forever just beyond the horizon..

Elation is found
in your current situation
within the here and now
wherever that may be..

It's all in the trip bitches..

The means not only justify the ends..

Our self crafted route defines them..

Friday, September 20, 2024

Selective Vision


Selective morality
so in vogue 
with us rambunctious 
foam at the mouth zealots
weighs heavily on the soul..

This modern affliction
causes my neck
these contentious days
to be perpetually in pain
from always
looking the other way
from the high volume sins
of our very flawed leadership..

Handicapping me to such an extent
I have to shift my body
to see the train of reality
speeding down the tracks
to squash gullible me
and the moral judgement I lack..

When you read my brief obituary
the blurb that sums me up will say..

Death by lame rationalizations

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blessed Be the Woke


Hi Ho..Hi Ho..

It's off to Woke we go..

Gonna care about unfortunates..

Give comfort to people labeled deviants..

Won't demonize those persecuted
for living life different..

Gonna laugh off the righteous wrath
of MAGA based Christian hypocrites
because everyone knows
with us bleeding heart wokesters
Jesus has always rolled 

Album Busters


After we exit
this Earthly stage
all vestiges of our existence
will be stored in the clouds
with posted pic images
laid out sequentially
dutifully loading the history
of our above ground timeline
to remote servers everywhere
til an inevitable full memory dump
does a massive deletion of our past lives
in a frickin millisecond..

Just another humbling reminder
that storage space is way more precious

than disposable flesh and blood us

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Free To Be Freaky

So bored am I
with my grind of a life
I hop into a pharma cab
to whisk me away
from this gray state of monotony..

A zombie cabby
of questionable morality
takes me on a surreal trip
and drops my soon to be sore ass
deep into the murky mist
of party down Apocalypse..

The evening is replete
with sinners and fake saints
casually intermingling
in a steamy cauldron
beneath neon illumination
bathing our congregation crew
in a soothing bluish hue..

When the moon finally retreats
our hypocrisy is complete
as all pretenses
of stifling normality
we wore previously
spill out onto the street
along with us denizens
of liberating debauchery 

Those of us weary participants
who are still upright
hug and do a numbers exchange
so that we may keep in touch
with new found freaky friends
who like us have to assimilate again
into a repressed society
none of we mutants understand

Fertilizer Spreaders


We of the gullible block
bought the latest
propaganda line
for pennies on the dollar..

After full absorption
of our daily allocated portion
we sit at our keyboards
to mass regurgitate the bullshit
we communally were fed..

The enemies of we vessels
defame us as useful idiots
with that condescending tone
that drove us over to the toxic side
where they at least
have the decency to pretend
they respect
perpetually pissed off us

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ostrich Flock


Contrary to popular opinion
I am still convinced
there is no better defense
against the many impediments
to our pursuit of happiness
than reality inhibiting
blissful ignorance..

Beneath this umbrella of darkness
we can contently live out
this out of sight out of mind existence
free of the guilt and fears
that inhibits
the joys of social obliviousness

Monday, September 16, 2024

Kidding Around


You do realize
it's OK to be happy?

You are more than worthy
and certainly deserving
for you have paid your dues
to the Blue Room of Melancholy..

So loosen your hesitations..

Drop those binding reservations..

Unleash that dormant smile..

Release the joyous inner child
too long imprisoned
by mundane adult responsibilities

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hate Connection


Just because I hate A
does not mean necessarily
that I love B...

I am quite capable of despising
both sides of this decrepit coin..

The enemy of my enemy
can never be my friend
cause I like to compartmentalize
my hatred and avoid
conflict complications 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Book Club


Blessed be to we
sinners and would be saints
struggling daily
to somehow make the best
of our less than ideal situations..

Far more questions
than answers abound
in this disjointed maze
where the way out
is rarely found..

Those of us seeking
divine revelation
find inspiration
from contemplation
found in ancient compilations
of dusty scrolls
scribed long ago...

Are we semi pious pilgrims
praying up the wrong tree?

God only knows

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mr Hybrid


I am a mutt..

A hybrid mix
of sincerity and bullshit..

An acquired taste
of bitter sweetness..

See me as I truly am..

A son of a bitch dog man..

Just another member 
of the freak show troupe

Limping our way through
this jagged uneven course
of rocky human relationships..

Saddled with the myriad
of maddening contradictions
none of us are destined
to ever understand

Monday, September 9, 2024

Hate the Haters


In the end
it all goes down like this..

Since it was
back in the beginning
when cavemen conceived
this tribal bullshit..

Fast forward to today..

The lines are drawn in concrete
as the wall divides
us and them..

Repubs against Dems..

Black versus white..

Gays and straights..

Those not like us
we ain't never gonna trust..

These differences we fear
easily manipulated into hate..

Go read our history..

The virus of prejudice
coursing through our veins..

Tales of violent ignorance
spinning on a bloody loop
century after century..

Hatred compounded..

So how to defeat
an undefeated adversary?

Best to start with respect
as the first step
toward human reclamation 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Stars of the Bizarre


If the clown shoes fit
you may as well wear them
and then own it..

Not the footwear
which anyone can buy
or temporarily rent..

Embrace what they represent..

Next level shit..

Your personal life choice statement..

Be the best freak
YOU choose to be..

YOU write your script..

Not them
with their judgmental
smirks of condescension..

Life's too short to be untrue
to the true YOU

Friday, September 6, 2024

Suckers Remorse


The leech of considerable popularity
is greatly celebrated
for it's pliability
and unrivaled slippery ability..

So what if this ravenous parasite
is slowly draining out the soul
of our wavering national integrity?

Perhaps getting sucked dry
by this nasty unqualified guy
is the penance for our past arrogance?

Maybe if we manage to survive
this one last senseless attack
we will learn the valuable lesson
to never be so gullible again

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Wither John Wayne


My prospective love came to me
seeking a cup of pity
and maybe
a little human understanding..

I gave her the needed harshness
that the situation called for
being the hard ass guy
I fancied myself to be..

The whole tough love rap
that I chose to dispense
was not well received
for she was seeking support
and not another 
suck it up condescending lecture
or a cliched soliloquy full of crap
from a hypocrite like me..

Needless to say
my former love
never came my way again..

Of course she eventually
found a more receptive
shoulder on which to cry..

Now I am the sad one
all alone
with my fake macho front
desperately seeking compassion
in a world
where my brand of insensitive man
has gone out of fashion

Close the Reactor


These daze
everybody bitches
about this and that..

Collecting thumbs up affirmation
from negative birds of a feather
perched high above the fray
with lots to say
but nothing constructive
to fix the situation..

Do not be content
to just social media rant..

Get off your lazy texting asses..

Spring into action..

Do what you gotta do
to improve the core source
of your current angst..

I'll be behind you of course
firmly stationed here
on my Twitter perch
chirping away
with all the other
know it all life spectators

Monkey Stroke


Truth is what it is
and sometimes potentially true..

I will never be
as beloved as you..

Of course your popularity
is based entirely
on telling peeps
exactly what they wanna here..

The art of ego inflation
pumped up by fact manipulation..

Everyone loves validation
even when it's shamelessly phony..

They lap up the accolades
and love the stroking messenger..

So I'll never be
as popular as you..

Cause I can't pimp bullshit
with the same degree
of sychophant efficiency
as devoted flunkies do

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Changing Up


Time to reboot philosophies..

Refresh world views..

Access the fountain of knowledge

that sits at our fingertips..

Absorb these truths we never knew..

Drain off tired assumptions

that have not been challenged in years..

While we're at it 

let's lower anger levels..

Face down those irrational fears

that block fresh ideas

causing us to be

non receptive




Friday, August 30, 2024

Ugliness Emptiness


So what if I am a little sensitive

about my unsightly appearance?

Multiple sources have informed me

I look better with the mask on.. 

Guess I should take offense

when the barb hits so close to home

but the mirror has this annoying way

of confirming disturbing reality..

Each and every perceived deformity

reflected in the horrified eyes

of our judgemental society

has come to define me..

They recoil at the very mention

of my accursed name

and the stigma attached

to we of the freakish element..

So they define and dismiss us 

solely by the outward package

they see with typical surface superficiality..

Monsters to be avoided religiously..

I contend

these beasts of mass condemnation

are the ones projecting ugly

with their cruel social hypocrisy..

Truth be told..

I am the one shunning them

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Cult of Carlin


Anyone who knows me
knows if I were to ever sign up
to belong to a mindless cult
it would be to the Cult of Carlin..

If I were to ever pray
to a marble deity
I would kneel by George..

Seeking snippets of wisdom
from the greatly missed critic
of our flawed humanity..

Of course he would call bullshit
on this misguided worship
which would make me love
my genius God even more 

Pouring the Whine


Back in the day
when happy go lucky me
still rolled in a spiritual way
I faithfully subscribed
to the pious bromide
to hate the sin
but love the sinner..

Clinging to the cliched belief
that the power of forgiveness
would lead to redemption eventually..

God was I naive..

And thus I now live cynically..

A bitter old man
existing is this Age of Suspicion..

Bubble wrapped in skepticism..

Always moving cautiously
through my mind field of trust issues..

I do take a twisted degree of solace
(tinged with spasms of sadness)
that I finally get to ride
with the grievance majority side
I formerly use to deride
back in my former innocence..

Now I am one of those twisted creatures
forever shaking our fists at the clouds
destined to rain down disappointment
on our unfulfilled lives..

For cynicism is indeed
a self fulfilling prophecy

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Clinging to Inevitability


Masters of Alternate Reality
are currently holding sway
with their relentless hyperbole
flooding the airwaves
with a seemingly endless stream
of toxic grievance..

Locked away
in the Vault of Ignorance
the Truth patiently sits
secure in the knowledge
that it will be set free someday..

The greedy Legions of Darkness
always overreach..

their base outrageousness..

And when they do
the light begins to seep in..

Once the cleansing process commences
the lying bastards
who once seemed indestructible 
are through..

They know it too..

For in the oft repeated tug of war
between these ancient foes
human history shows
the good guys prevail eventually..

Though definitely not today..

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Cloak of Doubt


So secret was the secret
no one in the know
knew what was true..

It was all too max classified
for even high ranking insiders to analyze..

Locked away in perpetuity
the invisible key
was too invisible to see..

This caused a major drain
on what once was
a mystery of much urgency
that has diminished over the years

Cause when people live without
for a sustained period of time
they eventually begin to doubt
the need for what no one has ever seen
or even believe they require any more..

In fact skeptics now question
the ever was existence
of the eternal mystery
lost in the dusty archives
of maybe not history

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Cheap Talkers


Whisper away
my gossipy friends
of the fake variety..

Share trite asides
with fellow chatter boxes..

Render venomous opinions
on each other too..

Behind their backs of course..

It's what losers like you do..

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Prey Power


The bigger fish
chases the smaller fish
for the purpose
of doing the food chain..

The smaller fish gets pissed
by it's shitty role in all this
and decides to enlist
a few dozen of it's friends
to mutually defend
against the tyranny 
of the natural order..

Strength in numbers
ain't no myth
as the power
of a motivated collective
can even the odds
in this very rigged game

Monday, August 19, 2024

Special Offer


We foggy people
forever searching for clarity..

Desperate seekers
of shared communal values
can never seem to agree these days
on the most current version of truth
being peddled on all web outlets
like a late night infomercial
crafted to convince us eager consumers
that contrived reality
is not only possible
but preferable
to hard to digest facts
that can cause thought nausea 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stage Blight


Come not to me
for rhyme or reason
or even
a lame rationalization
to explain this
poorly crafted script of a life..

If this shit does not turn around quickly
cancellation of my oft panned production
may be imminent
and I'll find my splintered ass
on permanent happiness unemployment