Sunday, April 21, 2024

Busted Us


Post blunder event..

Time to assign fault..

That badge of dishonor..

Unholster the worn finger of blame

and point it general direction

of our favorite scapegoat collection..

Just another rote exercise 

of convenient alibis..

Cause deep down we know

the biggest enemy of us

is usually US.. 


Let's pretend

as a face saving

deflection gesture

it's really THEM

and broadcast their complicity

on all social media frequencies

but truth be told

past experience shows

most times

the foot that trips us up

is usually US..

Of this we are quite aware

as we stare up from the floor

where we've landed many times before..

Trying yet again

to hide from the embarrassment

of being the flawed human

all of US most certainly are

Post Game Show


In the bosom of pure blackness
that was conjured up last night
with ancient incantations
(that may have been Satanic)
we desperate Shadow People
summoned the Beast..

It would be our avenging savior
to do battle with the forces of change
that mocked us defenders of the old ways..

In our arrogance
we believed we could control the beast
or at least point it in the direction
of our rapidly advancing enemies..

Such the classic error of history
which should have taught us fools by now
that concentrated evil power
can not be easily moderated..

Scholars of the Theology
can debate if our monster creation
is indeed the anti Christ
or just a corrupted manifestation
destined to one day
turn out our collective lights..

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Hell Bound


I've been to Hell and back
on more than one occasion.. 

The joint is really not that dire..

Sure tis hot as it's namesake
with all that brimstone and fire
roasting many of the inhabitants
to a toasty shade of burnt..

And it's overcrowded definitely
but there's great sinner camaraderie
in this atmosphere of esprit de corps 
as misery does indeed love company..

Next time
you really should come down with me..

Maybe stay for the season..

Savor the rush of pure freedom
in a non judgemental environment
where no one is ever turned away..

Ledge Musings


Go out on that ledge..
and take a strong stand..

Take your disillusioned toes
right to the edge of the abyss..

Harsh consequences be damned..

If you are going to take the big fall
may as well go down with your convictions..

I support this freedom of expression
and the radical statement conveyed..

Just please don't land on me
or you'll lose my undying support

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Attention PLEASE


So much can be derived 
from our discerning eyes
if we concentrate on the obvious..

These visual cues we need to embrace
staring oblivious us right in the face..

Deciphering signals
transmitted by exposed
and repetitive 
body language displays
that convey true intent..

Suppressed feelings
gravitate toward outlets
that cry out to be seen
in bursts of revelation
to those paying attention..

Pep Talking

Just another fine mess
in the Book of Duress
we've crafted chapter and verse
one mistake at a time.. 

So let's cut our chafed uptight asses
some much needed slack..

Practice gaffe self forgiveness..

Treat every day as a learning experience..

Turn the tear drenched page
and proceed with a clean slate
to the next adventure

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Make America Hate Again



Why in the 21st Century
here in the Land of the Free
must we still have to deal
with the idiocy of bigotry?

Why in this age of easy access information
is mass ignorance still even relevant?

Why must we suffer these intolerant fools
who insist on spreading this hateful bullshit?

Why can't we as a nation ever get past this?

While we were founded
on a mountain of hypocrisy
we at least pretended to have ideals..

Now it's all about scapegoat prejudices
inciting the fears of the gullible
courtesy of manipulative puppeteers..

Waiting on social evolution 
sure is an exercise in frustration

Wash and Rinse Rewind


Disciples of black and white
live to compartmentalize
and neatly slot all issues
into their narrow 
us versus them narrative...

The truth they do twist
with shameless daily bullshit
may have been diluted impure
but it still exists
and will be resurrected some day
by the cleansing force of destiny..

Those who chose to make the mess
to further their toxic agendas
are destined to be flushed away
though if the past teaches us anything
these sludge clogs of humanity
will return with a vengeance
to once again stain our history


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Hit Me Chief


Medication time..

Get these sheep asses in line..

Herd the numbed masses
into their cubicles
for their daily pharmaceuticals
to keep them level set..

The sick irony of it all
is that
the keepers
of this madhouse
are crazier
than the committed inhabitants
trapped within

The Friendly Lover


Dating a princess way out of my league..

A real beauty and the beast tryst..

She's my latest vanity project
in a long string of conquests
that to the world makes zero sense
cause we ain't exactly a perfect match..

But here's the thing..

I know how to listen
and cut through the bullshit
when all a girl wants to do is talk..

or vent..

or confide in a friend
she trusts and respects..

Getting deep into the depths
of the muddled mess
churning in her head..

Where few of my gender dare go
cause we fear being trapped
in the dreaded friend zone abyss..

I have am not burdened by that fear
as my options are more limited
by this flawed face in the mirror..

So patient me let's time
and the natural progression
of human relationships
do the rest..

Physical barriers being no match
from the force of erosion
that wears down all resistance
in the end

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Golden Ruler


They should teach
the golden rule in school 
every day
til it becomes rote
like multiplication tables
and gum stalactites under the desk.. 

Call it the Pledge of Respect
until hopefully
the daily lesson rolls into habit
and the kiddies
grow up to be decent adults

Past Prejudice


Let's have MY people
meet YOUR people
at the designated place
where we will interface
and formulate secret plans
against THEM
who have no people
of any consequence..

We entrenched natives
gotta unite
because if we don’t
those we fear
will succeed in eventually
becoming part
of us
and the purity
of our former ethnic exclusivity
will be forever lost..

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Go Girl Majesty


Drink up my dear...

Let the booze melt those chains
of ancient sexual repressions
good girls are forced to wear..

Morning after
you came blame it all
on too much alcohol...

but there's really no need..

For it's only a walk of shame
if you choose to let it be..

I suggest you choose NOT to..

Don't allow people to judge you..

Cause their snide petty asides
are nothing but projected envy
toward those with the audacity
of savoring this all too brief life

Caress the Process

All the answers you seek
to riddles that confound
are contained somewhere
in the loose solution fragments
rattling around
and bouncing off the walls
of your muddled brain..

Take the time
to sort
and collate
these jumbled thought cells
in an orderly progression..

Then just connect the dots
and allow the clarity
now staring you in the face
to lead you through the darkness
of what was once ignorance

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Mystery of Faith


All of God's children

praying together

in splendid houses of worship..

Of course they also sin..

Many of them incessantly

which to me

is the height of hypocrisy

since so many love to preach

about the Lord's many requirements

So the unfaithful

sure can't use ignorance of the rules

as a fall back failure excuse..

So why the constant moral violations

that only serve to jeopardize

their potential heavenly reward?

This does give me reason to pause

if these pilgrims are truly all in

on the prospect of eternal salvation

which as I understand it

is sort of the end game objective

for pious true believers..

Makes me thank God

I'm a practicing agnostic..

Buffer Boy


So here I am..

Locked up again
with that mocking clock
keeping me company..

Spin freezing
my overloaded 
frozen ass..

Cause as always is the case
I try to do too damn much
too damn fast..

Only a desperate
refresh button option
can reset this busted equation
and bring about
much needed
time life restoration..

Just another band aid fix
slapped on the stubborn wound
that will never properly scar
on this poorly planned
overzealous man..

Sunday, March 24, 2024

My Old Friend


Just another rest in peace moment
for an old friend..

Read about it on Facebook
from the thoughts and prayers comments
posted on an old pic
back when we were friends
before we too became old
and subject to the drifts of time..

Demise details sorely lacking
cause our friendship subscription expired..

We didn't even exchange
Christmas cards anymore..

Social media having squashed
such quaint traditions.. 

I wonder how my old friend died?

Was it quick and painless
or a long drawn out drip drip event?

Perhaps it was a to Hell with this life suicide?

My now dead old friend was dramatically inclined..  

Gotta get to the wake for all the morbid details
that I can share with my fellow curious ghouls
who won't bother to be there..

Gotta see all my other old friends
who do make the last respects trip..

Dressed in our best death threads
we'll reminisce on all the old stories
before we became walking corpses
now sharing our own shrinking timelines..

Who amongst us mourners 
we now barely know
will be the next to go?

Electronic Church bells toll
as yet another body gets laid to rest..

They do seem to ring louder than before 
which is weird cause my hearing 
has greatly faded over the years..

I guess mortality does play tricks
with the old senses

Fearless Cowards


If you've never felt
the sting of your mistakes
that slam impacted your friends
or suffered the consequences
of selfish misdeeds
then insensitive you is destined
to repeat these egregious offenses 
again and again...

This is a blessing
and a curse
(of course)...

The life of the oblivious cur
is a curious one indeed...

A cool bastard mix
of bravery and foolishness..

Destined to crash and burn
(of course)...

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Cloud Cover


Fumbling my way through
this fog of creativity
without my literary devices
to keep me company.. 

Self doubt now rides with me..

Can there even be poetry
without sleight of hand trickery?

Stripped of all clever deceptions
there is no longer any protection
from the truths we avoid religiously..

And yet...

There is a sense
of orgasmic liberation
when we lower our shields
and let others in
to share what we feel..

At least temporarily
til suffocating judgements
cloud us in again

Moaners and Groaners


When we Boomers do convene
in our non tech sanctuaries
there's a general grumpy consensus
that the younger generation
are spoiled entitled brats
who lack proper appreciation
for the ancient ways
we rose colored gazers 
rolled with
in the good old days..

It's almost as seems
as if these petulant kids
can't wait 
for our bitter asses to die..

Then it will be their turn
to one day congregate
in their damn chat rooms
and rag on the faults
of the lazy good for nothing
future Generation Whatever

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Real Chosen Ones


While it’s an absolute truth
that all dogs go to heaven
tis also not a guess
that all cats go too...

While we sin based humans
are 50/50 at best...

What does that say about our species?

We're made in God's image my ass

Pop Goes the Deceivers


Secure within these bubble walls
where truth gets filtered in
the way we desire it be shaded
our view is always crystal clear..

This ain't the place for ambiguity..

No shades of gray found in here..

Cause those who question get vanished
lest they cloud our regurgitated narrative..

So much easier for us
not to be burdened with thought
comfy in the hammock
of opinion uniformity..

Though deep down we all know
our fortress of ignorance
has always been a flimsy illusion..

When the alternate reality bubble bursts
soaked to the bone we will be..

Such is the price of living a travesty

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Nick and Nora


Let's get dressed up..

Let's go out and be seen..

Insert our faces in every pic..

Pretend we're a perfect couple
for all the social media voyeurs
sitting home in their sweats
wishing they were us..

Be the flashy objects of hate and envy..

Maybe we can even con ourselves
into believing we are happening..

Be part of the cool kid clique for once

Dumbing Down


Hatred clouds judgement...

Creating an irrational covenant
between facts and poisoned fiction
that diminish solid positions
and demolishes
what's left of our credibility
to such an extent
we become non serious
buffoonish cartoon characters...

Once we have devolved
to this level of pure ignorance
the dummies that we have become
will have achieved 
the proper gullible pliability
for full indoctrination
into a certain political cult
that rhymes with SAGA 


Sunday, March 10, 2024

Quoxite Party


The movers and shakers..

Cigar chomping Earthquakers
live in the clouds they created..

Label them as you see fit..

Fat cat capitalist industrialists..

Fiendish lobbyists..

Deep State operatives..

They have always existed..

Robber Barons..

Lords of the Manor..

Those insidious shadow dwellers..

Owners of everything..

Taking more than they need
because they can..

Peeing down from on high
on the mud dwelling majority..

Simply because they can..

Philosopher poet agitators
can of course
demonize these ghosts
who roll anonymous..

At least in concept..

Swinging their flacid sticks
at steel piñatas
they really can't see

Futility is the recurring theme
for we would be revolutionaries
forever fighting windmills

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Time Tyrants


To increase team productivity
our cloud dwelling overseers
brought in a renowned authority
on time management efficiency.. 

Thus commenced
the daily flogging sessions
to teach us slackers the lesson
that their sacred processes
had to be duly worshipped
at the expense of common sense..

Those thought sinners who strayed
outside the rigid boundaries laid
would be cast out
of bureaucracy Eden
and forced to wander
the unregulated wilderness
where all innovation resides

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Empty Cans


Today I choose not to engage
in the communal festival
of shared cyber rage..

It's not that my anger has dissipated
or that this friction addiction
within has been satiated..

I just got hit by the realization
that constant conflict is a no win situation..

All this shit breeds is mutual resentment
and a major sense of inner emptiness

Don't Tug On My Blanket


All our useful rationalizations
we utilize to get through the day
may not always be truth
but they do become so ingrained
into the fabric of our souls
we make them fit into our reality
through sheer force of necessity..

So don't try to straighten me out
with your version of pliable facts
that may be your particular
comforting crutch du jour
that works very well for you
and your judgmental ways

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sobering Thoughts


Took a swig of something strong
cause it needed to be drunk
to get me out of my head for awhile
and fly above our daily muck..

Tricked my brain into having some fun..

A joyous condition oft frowned upon
by judgmental fools and moral hypocrites..

In my liberated inebriated condition
I blurted words without my usual hesitation
cause chemically emboldened me
no longer feared the monsters of recrimination..

Did things I never would have done
due to past indoctrination
under the guise of religious education..

How glorious it was to be free
even if only temporarily..

But of course the morning after came
accompanied by harsh repercussions
compounded by self induced shame..

Weakness rode in with my hung over state
as I now sought answers
for my perceived transgressions

Alcohol of course was there to blame
like a steady reliable fall guy..

Letting me hide behind the alibi
of personal inebriation..

Now that I'm back to my norm
of being a morally repressed
uptight white guy
I come attached with this disclaimer
when I binge and sin again
as is my decadent nature

Self Abuse Poetry


I know
this face I see
blankly reflecting back at me
has always been
an impossibility...

Not conducive exactly
to a sense of mental stability..

Maybe I really do need therapy
though I have learned
from years of crafting
insanely bad poetry
that perhaps this shitty self esteem
is a twisted kind of destiny
that was simply meant to be..

Gonna keep bludgeoning
these frickin inner demons
with a torrent of introspective
totally disconnected words..

No way
these sick bastards
can take
this rambling mess literally..

I sure as Hell don't